Animal Welfare
Rodeo as a sport has a long and proud history in Australia. Based on the work practices of Australian Stockmen, the sport emulates the skills required for handling livestock on traditional cattle properties.
A key part of the DirtnDust Festival’s reputation is based on our respect and commitment to the welfare of the livestock. The DirtnDust rodeo component of the Festival is an Australian Professional Rodeo Association (APRA) endorsed event, and as such we follow the highest animal welfare standards guided by APRA Animal Welfare Code of Conduct.
We have a qualified veterinarian on hand. More often than not, the rider comes off second best, so we have paramedics on hand too.
We also ensure our livestock, including all bulls and horses are specifically bred and trained for the rodeo arena and comply with changes to competition rules.
If you would like more information, please contact the Australian Professional Rodeo Association (APRA) on (07) 4661 8183 or visit